
March 17, 2014

Introduction to Dublin, Ireland

Introduction to Dublin, Ireland

Situated on the Irish Sea, Dublin is Ireland’s capital city.  About 40% of the country’s population lives within an hour's drive.  The Mexican Gulf Stream flows along the coast and keeps the temperature mild enough to grown palm trees, but you can also count on rain almost every day from October through February.  Flat and compact, it is a great walking city, and public transportation is good.  You won’t need a car.  And consider yourself forewarned that Dubliners say everything is just across the street and use pubs as landmarks.  And speaking of pubs, let’s get in the mood for this upcoming series of posts about Dublin and surrounds with this uncut clip of live Irish music from O'Neill's pub in Dublin.

More things to do in Dublin.

More information about Ireland.

More ideas for exploring Europe.

video ©2014 Carole Terwilliger Meyers

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