
March 14, 2014

Photo Gallery of people working around the world

Recently I entered a photo contest and actually WON (winning image is below)!  The theme was "working."

umbrella making, Borsang Village, Sankamphaeng, Thailand
umbrella making, Borsang Village, Sankamphaeng, Thailand

Background on the travel photo contest and all entries (be sure to scroll all the way down). 

My original blog post about Borsang Village in Thailand.

More photo galleries.

Travel articles to inspire and help you plan trips. 

image ©2014 Carole Terwilliger Meyers


  1. Thanks for the link Carole. That is a great photo and I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with when hosting the next contest.

  2. I love this picture! It's nice to put you and your bio with this exceptional image!
