
July 13, 2018

Baker, California: World’s Tallest Thermometer; things to do

World’s Tallest Thermometer  

72157 Baker Blvd., I-15 exit 246, (760) 733-4747.  Free.

Most people driving I-15 are, like I was, either on the way to or from Las Vegas.  In my case it was to attend a flash mob wedding there officiated by Elvis.

The town of Baker makes a great rest stop.  It is home to The World’s Tallest Thermometer, which stands 134 feet tall and weighs 76,812 pounds.  That calculates to one foot in height for every degree in fahrenheit that was recorded on July 10, 1913 in nearby Death Valley.  That day is officially the World’s Hottest Day.  The highest temperature this thermometer has ever recorded was 127 degrees in August 1995, which was 4 years after it was built here.  The Mojave Desert town of Baker is usually baking hot, but on the mid-winter day I drove by the thermometer was only lit up to 50 degrees.  The thermometer is easy to see from your car when passing by, but you’ll see it even better and be able to savor the experience if you take the loop off of Highway I-15 into town.

World’s Tallest Thermometer in Baker, California
World’s Tallest Thermometer in Baker, California

Stop in the parking lot of the Del Taco as I did for photos.  As might be expected, a gift shop is located at the thermometer’s base which is also a great spot for a straight-up photo.  While you’re here, note that Del Taco is a popular spot for a fast food break, and the Alien Fresh Jerky shop just across the street purveys its famous beef jerky.

exterior of Del Taco in Baker, California
exterior of Del Taco in Baker, California

exterior of Alien Fresh Jerkey in Baker, California
exterior of Alien Fresh Jerkey in Baker, California

Another sight to see on this road.

Things to do in Las Vegas.

More ideas for exploring the U.S.

images and video ©2018 Carole Terwilliger Meyers


  1. We've stopped there on our way to Las Vegas, and it was a fun sight although it was HOT! We did not see a flash mob although we did renew our vows with Elvis in Vegas!

  2. I love tracking down weird things when we are on road trips. This has just gone on my list. If you like weird and big things by the side of the road you should come to Australia - we have lots of them.

  3. We love visiting quirky stops like the world's tallest thermometer. The Alien Jerky store looked like another promising location. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Interesting. I love going to these roadside attractions! We may pass by Baker in September!

  5. While I'm not sure I'd make a special trip just to see the world's tallest thermometer, I most certainly would go out of my way to see a flash mob wedding officiated by Elvis.

  6. Baker, California, definitely looks like a quirky place, Carole. Thx for putting it on our radar. :-)

  7. The wedding officiated by "Elvis" would attract me as well as seeing and photographing the world's tallest thermometer! I'd grab a couple of the Del Taco tacos, too!

  8. What a hoot! Both the thermometer and the wedding!!

  9. Wow! Baker looks like a throwback where time stands still!

  10. I'm just thankful it's not a rectal thermometer.

  11. I am totally embarrassed by the fact that I have passed through Baker many times and have never seen the thermometer! Next time, I'll look for Del Taco to get a good look -- and a taco (have never been to a Del Taco).
