
July 11, 2018

San Blas, Mexico: La Tovara Nature Reserve; things to do

La Tovara Nature Reserve is for the birds

birdwatching boat ride at La Tovara Nature Reserve in San Blas, Mexico
birdwatching boat ride at La Tovara Nature Reserve in San Blas, Mexico

An important resting areas for migratory birds, all of San Blas is a spectacular natural bird sanctuary.  It is considered the best place in Mexico for bird watching.  But to enjoy some guaranteed bird sightings, it is a good idea to visit this reserve.  Visitors ride through the La Tovara and Camalota lagoons in small motor boats.  Guides are excellent and helpful in pointing out the native birds, as well as the occasional crocodile, swamp turtle, and other creatures.  Our guide led our eyes through the camouflage to find such wonders as a Boat-Billed Heron hidden in a tree and a teenage crocodile sprawled atop a look-alike log.

birdwatching boat ride at La Tovara Nature Reserve in San Blas, Mexico
birdwatching boat ride at La Tovara Nature Reserve in San Blas, Mexico

Boat Billed Heron spotted at La Tovara Nature Reserve in San Blas, Mexico
Boat Billed Heron spotted at La Tovara Nature Reserve in San Blas, Mexico

bird at La Tovara Nature Reserve in San Blas, Mexico
bird at La Tovara Nature Reserve in San Blas, Mexico

Ringed Kingfisher spotted at La Tovara Nature Reserve in San Blas, Mexico
Ringed Kingfisher spotted at La Tovara Nature Reserve in San Blas, Mexico

"Cabeza de Baca" movie set at La Tovara Nature Reserve in San Blas, Mexico
"Cabeza de Baca" movie set at La Tovara Nature Reserve in San Blas, Mexico

bird spotted at La Tovara Nature Reserve in San Blas, Mexico
bird spotted at La Tovara Nature Reserve in San Blas, Mexico

yellow bird spotted at La Tovara Nature Reserve in San Blas, Mexico
yellow bird spotted at La Tovara Nature Reserve in San Blas, Mexico

bird spotted at La Tovara Nature Reserve in San Blas, Mexico
bird spotted at La Tovara Nature Reserve in San Blas, Mexico

Cormorant at La Tovara Nature Reserve in San Blas, Mexico
Cormorant at La Tovara Nature Reserve in San Blas, Mexico

roosting birds at La Tovara Nature Reserve in San Blas, Mexico
roosting birds at La Tovara Nature Reserve in San Blas, Mexico

At one end of the estuary, a freshwater spring changes the terrain and introduces new kinds of flora and fauna.

row of tall palms at La Tovara Nature Reserve in San Blas, Mexico
row of tall palms at La Tovara Nature Reserve in San Blas, Mexico

freshwater swimming springs at La Tovara Nature Reserve in San Blas, Mexico
freshwater swimming springs at La Tovara Nature Reserve in San Blas, Mexico

After the boat tour, we visited the Kiekari Crocodile Farm rescue center, which holds many crocodiles that are being bred to replenish the area’s population.  The effort appears to be working, because several pairs were busy mating during our visit.  Rare leopards are also here, but unfortunately are unable to be released.

big crocodile at the Kiekari Crocodile Farm rescue center at La Tovara Nature Reserve in San Blas, Mexico
big crocodile at the Kiekari Crocodile Farm rescue center
at La Tovara Nature Reserve in San Blas, Mexico

leopard at the Kiekari Crocodile Farm rescue center at La Tovara Nature Reserve in San Blas, Mexico
leopard at the Kiekari Crocodile Farm rescue center
at La Tovara Nature Reserve in San Blas, Mexico

images and video ©2018 Carole Terwilliger Meyers

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