
February 4, 2015

Vadukarasa Village, Coral Coast, Viti Levu, Fiji: shell shopping; things to do

Shell-shopping in Fiji

The rustic open-air shell shack in Vadukarasa Village in Fiji lives fondly in my memory.  It was there that our car screeched to a halt on the grass in front.

shell shack in Vadukarasa Village in Fiji
shell shack in Vadukarasa Village in Fiji

Inside, we met a lovely lady, Hootchnag, and her husband, whose name I did not get.  Hootchnag told me they were shell experts and had been here for more than 30 years.  Her son is the shell diver.  The shell I fell in love with is a weighty bull mouth helmet (the rusty one on the center of the counter in the image below).  I keep it in my bathroom where it is a daily reminder of my visit to Fiji.  I also selected a  sea snail for my granddaughter and three humpback cowries--I keep one in my purse for good luck and gave the other two to my driver and to my traveling friend.

shell shack in Vadukarasa Village in Fiji
shell shack in Vadukarasa Village in Fiji

More souvenirs.

More things to do on Viti Levu in Fiji.

images ©2015 Carole Terwilliger Meyers

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