
February 6, 2015

Photo Gallery of cats around the world

Photo Gallery of cats around the world

If you’re a cat lover, like I am, you probably notice them everywhere you go.  I’ve found myself photographing kitties with almost the same enthusiasm as I do a world-famous site.  This photo collection of cats around the world begins with a few of my own favorites from my personal travel.

cat Popsicle hangs out in a kava bowl at the Coconut Grove resort on Taveuni Island in Fiji
This kitty named Popsicle was hanging out in a kava bowl at the Coconut Grove resort on Taveuni Island in Fiji.  He looks like he might have finished off the dregs. 

More photo galleries.

Places to see cats when you travel.

Travel articles to inspire and help you plan trips.

image ©2015 Carole Terwilliger Meyers

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