
March 28, 2014

Dublin, Ireland: Parks--Merrion Square Park + St Stephen's Green; things to do

Merrion Square Park  

Merrion Square, Dublin 2; +353 1 222 5278.  Hours vary seasonally. 

The Georgian garden square that is Merrion Square Park dates from the late 1700s.  One of the city’s finest parks, it is lined with red-brick Georgian townhouses on three sides.  The remaining side fronts some government buildings, the Natural History Museum, and the National Gallery.  Noteworthy features include many sculptures, a collection of old Dublin lamp posts, a central floral garden, a heather garden, and a playground. 

entrance to Merrion Square Park in Dublin, Ireland
entrance to Merrion Square Park in Dublin, Ireland

path in Merrion Square Park in Dublin, Ireland
path in Merrion Square Park in Dublin, Ireland

swans on lake in St Stephen’s Green park in Dublin, Ireland
swans on lake in St Stephen’s Green park in Dublin, Ireland

St Stephen’s Green  

South end of Grafton St., city centre, Dublin 2, +353 1 475 7816.  M-Sat 7:30am-dark, Sun 9:30am-dark.  Free. 

This Victorian public park is maintained in the original layout, with trees and shrubs planted on the perimeter and Victorian beds that bloom in spring and summer.  To escape rain, visit the Victorian lakeside shelter or in the Victorian Swiss shelters in the park’s center.  Well worth a visit are a waterfall and Pulham rock work on the western side, an ornamental lake that provides a home for waterfowl, and a garden for the visually impaired.  Sculptures are found throughout, and a children's playground is a popular attraction.  Lunchtime concerts are scheduled in summer.

More things to do in Dublin.

More information about Ireland.

More ideas for exploring Europe.

images ©2014 Carole Terwilliger Meyers


  1. My sister and I stayed in Dublin last October for the TBEX conference and our hotel was near St. Stephen's Green and we thought it lovely. It's nice to see it again!

  2. Haven't been, it looks like a nice spot to rest and have some green space to relax for a bit between the hectic daily tours, I love spending time in places like this in busy urban centers. Please do share it with us for Travel Photo Mondays, the link is up and will be for the entire week.

    1. What a nice collection of images you have up at your site.

  3. Ireland looks beautiful. I love the photo of the swans and the bridge!

    1. These parks are gorgeous. What was especially nice is that you can just walk in them for a short time and then exit out onto the busy streets again. A short respite.

  4. Walking down that path must have been so very relaxing. I love your gorgeous photos.

  5. We stayed at hotel close to St. Stephen's Green when we were in Dublin for my husband's conference in 2012. We also walked through Merrion Square which at one point was a private, locked garden for the surrounding upper-class Georgian townhouses.IMHO, central green space is very important to the heart of a city (e.g. Central Park in NYC and Rittenhouse Square in my hometown of Philadelphia). Dublin is lucky to have these two spaces.

    1. Thanks for adding the info about this square originally being just for the surrounds townhouses.

  6. It looks so relaxing and calm in the parks! Just what a visitor to a big city needs sometimes!

  7. We stayed in a hotel overlooking Merrion Square. It's beautiful. Walking through there, we almost forgot we were in a city.

  8. I've never been to Ireland, but have certainly eaten some scrumptious Irish chocolate! Your post has made me want to go and check things out in the Emerald Isle.
