
March 21, 2014

Dublin, Ireland: Ha’penny Bridge; things to do

Ha’penny Bridge  

Ha’penny Bridge, Dublin, Ireland
Ha’penny Bridge, Dublin, Ireland

When this single-span structure with white cast-iron railings and decorative lamps was built in 1816, it was Ireland’s first iron bridge.  Prior to its construction, most pedestrians took a ferry across the River Liffey.  Though the fee was only a half penny originally, it has been free since 1919.  When you cross, take note of the many “love locks” that you will see mid-span.  It is a fad now in many European countries for young lovers to place a lock on a bridge and throw the key in the water, symbolizing their never-ending love. 

love locks on Ha’penny Bridge, Dublin, Ireland
love locks on Ha’penny Bridge, Dublin, Ireland

More love lock stories:

Love locks in Paris.

Love locks around the world. 

Love locks in trouble. 

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