
November 10, 2010

Dresden, Germany: Zwinger; things to do


Theaterplatz 1, 0351/49142000

architectural detail of the Zwinger in Dresden, Germany
architectural detail of the Zwinger in Dresden, Germany

Dresden’s most famous building, this magnificent fortress from the Middle Ages was originally designed as an orangery and setting for court festivities. It is considered the most perfect example of Late Baroque architecture and now contains several museums. Modeled after Versailles, it was built by Augustus the Strong in 1719 (a huge copy of his spectacular gold crown is a landmark atop one of the fortress’s walls, known as the Crown Gate). Damage caused by the 1945 British air raid during World War II was devastating, but all has been beautifully restored.  It now is home to the Zwinger museum with its Old Masters Picture Gallery and a Porcelain Collection.

More things to do in Dresden.

image c2010 Carole Terwilliger Meyers

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