
November 13, 2010

Munich, Germany: Airbrau; restaurant review


When I flew Lufthansa non-stop home from Munich to San Francisco a few weeks ago, I was so glad that I was smart enough to have one last good-bye Pilsner—those German beers are THE BEST--at the Airbräu brewery at the Munich Airport (it even has an open-air beer garden with heater lamps!) This is the worlds’ first and only airport brewery, and among the menu items is the very odd Hang Man’s Lunch: 1 glass of tap water, 1 bread roll, 1 cigarette—95 cents. But who would order that when they can instead have some tasty German sausages and a Pilsner?

Airbräu brewery at the Munich Airport in Germany
Airbräu brewery at the Munich Airport in Germany

More things to do in Munich.

image c2011 Carole Terwilliger Meyers