
April 16, 2019

St. Joseph, Barbados: Hunte's Gardens; things to do

Hunte's Gardens  

Hwy 3A, Coffee Gully, Castle Grant, St. Joseph, (246) 433-3333.  Daily 9am-5pm.

exterior sign for Hunte's Gardens in Barbados
exterior sign for Hunte's Gardens in Barbados

Claiming to be “the most enchanting place on earth,” the spectacular Hunte's Gardens were crafted by horticulturalist Anthony Hunte.  Opened to the public in 2007, the lush garden of tropical plants covers 2 acres.  They are set mostly in a sink hole (a collapsed cave) on part of a historic plantation set among the ruins of the circa 1643 Castle Grant sugar factory.  And they are, indeed, enchanting.  Paths lead deep into a gully of terraced greenery where palms, papyrus, orchids, and crotons flourish.  But you won’t find roses because they can’t grow in this climate.

gully garden at Hunte's Gardens in Barbados
gully garden at Hunte's Gardens in Barbados

Mr. Hunte is an enthusiastic and convivial host and leads most tours.  He isn’t fond of the island’s green monkeys because, “They eat everything.  They take one bite and throw it away.”  Scattered benches permit resting, and rum punch and afternoon tea are served in the former stables that is now Hunte’s home.  Don’t miss the restroom with a delightful cut-out that serves as an open-air window to the garden, or the informal gift shop on the verandah.  And do come prepared with insect repellent--I ran into many “no see-ums.”

owner Anthony Hunte at Hunte's Gardens in Barbados
owner Anthony Hunte at Hunte's Gardens in Barbados

owner Anthony Hunte displays a praying orchid at Hunte's Gardens in Barbados
owner Anthony Hunte displays a praying orchid at Hunte's Gardens in Barbados

water garden at Hunte's Gardens in Barbados
water garden at Hunte's Gardens in Barbados

water garden with Buddha at Hunte's Gardens in Barbados
water garden with Buddha at Hunte's Gardens in Barbados

after-tour relaxation with Anthony Hunte and cat Marble at Hunte's Gardens in Barbados
after-tour relaxation with Anthony Hunte and cat Marble
at Hunte's Gardens in Barbados

open-air view from loo at Hunte's Gardens in Barbados
open-air view from loo at Hunte's Gardens in Barbados

A great tie-in is a visit to Harrison’s Cave, which is reached via a pleasant drive through Barbados back roads.


  1. I was in Hunte's Gardens some years ago and loved the place. I'm glad to see it is still going strong!

  2. How charming! I love the informality of the garden and its beauty.

  3. I love the informality and the charm of the garden. I have never been to Barbados, but if the garden is any indication, it's beautiful!

  4. Hunte's Gardens looks like a tranquil place to unwind from daily life. We enjoy equatorial gardens, since the foliage is always seeming to be in bloom.

  5. I've wanted to visit Barbados for decades! Thanks for offering a look at Hunte's Garden.

  6. I visited Hunte's Gardens when I was in Barbados a few years ago. I highly recommend it. The views were breath-taking!
