
April 27, 2018

Nassau, Bahamas: Adrasta Gardens, Zoo & Conservation Centre; things to do

Adrasta Gardens, Zoo & Conservation Centre  

Off W. Bay St., 1 mi. W of downtown, 323-5806.  Daily 9am-5pm.  Flamingo show at 10:30am, 2:15pm, & 4pm; hand-feed lory parrots at 11am, 1:30pm, & 3:30pm.  US$18, children $9. 

Originally a botanical garden, the modest Adrasta Gardens, Zoo & Conservation Centre is the first and only zoo in the Bahamas.  Its past is apparent in more than 4 acres of lush tropical gardens, and its present shows in an impressive display of animal species, including the national bird of the Bahamas--the Caribbean flamingo.  Additionally, many migratory birds fly in for the winter. 

A tranquil spot that permits close encounters with a small but wonderful collection of animals, this facility includes a petting zoo, a secret garden, and a show arena where you can be entertained by a flamboyance of flamingos.  Visitors meet colorful macaws in the entrance area, and elsewhere they can hand-feed apple slices to brilliantly colored lory parrots in a walk-in aviary.  But the piece de resistance is watching the world-famous marching flamingos take center stage.  They march in a line, and on command from a “drill sergeant” perform an about face, do a forward march, and even perform 180-degree turns--all while an emcee  passes along interesting background information about flamingos.

The gardens feature a brilliant array of blooms, including bromeliads, orchids, bougainvillea, and hibiscus.  They include a sheltering canopy of mangos, sapodillas, and breadfruit, and winding trails are draped with vines and lined with tropical trees such as coconut palms.

Near the entrance, the Parrot Pit Stop snack bar offers simple items–hot dogs, pizza, chicken nuggets, popcorn, potato chips, water, sodas, juices, local beer, and popsicles made with local fruit.

Like all zoos around the world, this one has very high operational costs.  However, unlike many other zoos, it does not receive any public funding, subsidies, or grants.  Admissions are the main source of income.  They are used to care for and maintain the animals as well as to fund their wildlife rehabilitation and rescue program and their conservation efforts.

entrance sign to Adrasta Gardens, Zoo & Conservation Centre in Nassau, Bahamas
entrance sign to Adrasta Gardens, Zoo & Conservation Centre
in Nassau, Bahamas

gardens at Adrasta Gardens, Zoo & Conservation Centre in Nassau, Bahamas
gardens at Adrasta Gardens, Zoo & Conservation Centre in Nassau, Bahamas

Bahama Parrot at Adrasta Gardens, Zoo & Conservation Centre in Nassau, Bahamas
Bahama Parrot at Adrasta Gardens, Zoo & Conservation Centre
in Nassau, Bahamas

caiman at Adrasta Gardens, Zoo & Conservation Centre in Nassau, Bahamas
caiman at Adrasta Gardens, Zoo & Conservation Centre in Nassau, Bahamas

hawk plus guide Bonnie at Adrasta Gardens, Zoo & Conservation Centre in Nassau, Bahamas
hawk plus guide Bonnie at Adrasta Gardens, Zoo & Conservation Centre
in Nassau, Bahamas

colorful lorry plus keeper Bonnie at Adrasta Gardens, Zoo & Conservation Centre in Nassau, Bahamas
colorful lorry plus keeper Bonnie at Adrasta Gardens, Zoo &
Conservation Centre in Nassau, Bahamas

flamingos before the show at Adrasta Gardens, Zoo & Conservation Centre in Nassau, Bahamas
flamingos before the show at Adrasta Gardens, Zoo & Conservation Centre in Nassau, Bahamas

visitor interaction with flamingos during the show at Adrasta Gardens, Zoo & Conservation Centre in Nassau, Bahamas
visitor interaction with flamingos during the show at Adrasta Gardens, Zoo & Conservation Centre in Nassau, Bahamas

images and videos ©2018 Carole Terwilliger Meyers 


  1. That flamingo march is priceless. They are so colourful, more so than most that I have seen. Who kinew there was a zoo in the Bahamas!

  2. Oh wow! We considered going to the Adrastra Gardens Zoo when we visited Nassau, but chose a different destination. It looks like we will need to return to see this magical place. Thanks for sharing.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The national bird of the Bahamas--the Caribbean flamingo--should be a show for all ages! Would love to see the Flamingo Show at the arena!

  5. This looks like a sweet zoo to visit and I've never seen a flamingo show so that is quite unique

  6. I would love this place, but the flamingo show is absolutely the tops! Who knew you could train flamingos!

  7. Super pics, Carole. I especially love the one of the baby caiman. Your post has definitely made me want to head back to the Bahamas.

  8. What a fun time!! I love zoos, I love flamingos and I loved your videos!! :-)

  9. How did I not know that the national bird of the Bahamas was the Caribbean flamingo? What a great choice of bird - they're so graceful and photogenic ( and as it seems from your video - very trainable!)

  10. Wow! What a hoot:-) Love the flamingos...

  11. Love all the animals in your photos. When I first saw the flamingo photo I thought it was those fake ones that people put in there yards. LOL! Looks like a place we would sure enjoy a visit to.
