
February 22, 2018

Ridge Spring, South Carolina : Juniper; restaurant review

Juniper, South Carolina  

640 E Main St., Ridge Spring, 17 mi. from Edgefield, (803) 685-7547.  L M-Tu, Thur-Sat, D Thur-Sat, SunBr.  Reservations required.

Though there is little indication either outside or inside that this is an exceptional restaurant, I did get an inkling regarding this fact when I spotted a sign on the front door that stated:  “We will be closed June 18th-24th.  We have been invited to cook at the James Beard House in NYC!!!”  Though the famously delicious South Carolina peaches were damaged by weather last year to the extent that the crop wass only 20% of normal, peaches made it in to some of Juniper's  dishes and that James Beard dinner was set to be an all-peach menu.  Chef-owner Brandon Velie learned his stuff as a cook in the Marine Corps.

Folks wait in line to be seated and then head to mix-matched tables and chairs in the spacious open interior, where paintings by locals enhance the walls.  We filled Mason jars with cold sweet tea ourselves and then headed back to our table for a peach-themed multi-course lunch served on mix-matched plates.

First I dug into the best biscuits short of my own topped with peach-basil butter (my biscuit recipe).  Then came a refreshing gazpacho-like peach soup, which the chef described as a “liquid salad.”  The main course was a delectable skillet-fried quail from a local farm served with grits and flash-fried collards drizzled with a peach barbecue sauce.  Dessert was housemade corn cake with fresh peaches and moonshine sauce.  Nothing is over $8 on this lunch menu.  For the evening meal, the place is transformed with the addition of tablecloths, and Mason jars are replaced by wine glasses.  

For sure, this destination restaurant is worth the long drive from Charleston. 

exterior of Juniper restaurant in Ridge Spring, South Carolina
exterior of Juniper restaurant in Ridge Spring, South Carolina

sign on door of Juniper restaurant in Ridge Spring, South Carolina
sign on door of Juniper restaurant in Ridge Spring, South Carolina

daily menu board at Juniper restaurant in Ridge Spring, South Carolina
daily menu board at Juniper restaurant in Ridge Spring, South Carolina

chef-owner Brandon Velie at Juniper restaurant in Ridge Spring, South Carolina
chef-owner Brandon Velie at Juniper restaurant in Ridge Spring, South Carolina

interior of Juniper restaurant in Ridge Spring, South Carolina
interior of Juniper restaurant in Ridge Spring, South Carolina

interior of Juniper restaurant in Ridge Spring, South Carolina
interior of Juniper restaurant in Ridge Spring, South Carolina

tea bar at Juniper restaurant in Ridge Spring, South Carolina
tea bar at Juniper restaurant in Ridge Spring, South Carolina

biscuits at Juniper restaurant in Ridge Spring, South Carolina
biscuits at Juniper restaurant in Ridge Spring, South Carolina

peach soup at Juniper restaurant in Ridge Spring, South Carolina
peach soup at Juniper restaurant in Ridge Spring, South Carolina

skillet-fried quail at Juniper restaurant in Ridge Spring, South Carolina
skillet-fried quail at Juniper restaurant in Ridge Spring, South Carolina

dessert corn cake with peaches and moonshine sauce at Juniper restaurant in Ridge Spring, South Carolina
dessert corn cake with peaches and moonshine sauce at Juniper restaurant
in Ridge Spring, South Carolina


Things to do in nearby Edgefield, South Carolina.

More things to do in Charleston, South Carolina.

More ideas for exploring the U.S.

images ©2018 Carole Terwilliger Meyers


  1. Your brief write-up of this restaurant is so inviting! I love peaches (although my husband doesn't) and that peach menu sounds so delicious. Thanks!

  2. Sign me up for the biscuits and the peach soup!

  3. You can't always judge a book by its cover! What an exceptional restaurant in an otherwise low-key setting. Excellent post!

  4. I love the idea of the peach menu. So many of the dishes looked so delicious. Putting the restaurant on my must-try list.

  5. I'll be going to Aiken in a couple of weeks and Ridge Spring is right on the way. I'll make a point to stop in to get a bite at Juniper. Everything looks yummy!
