
January 29, 2016

Bali, Indonesia: Jatiluwih rice terraces; things to do

Jatiluwih rice terraces

Bali’s most beautiful rice fields and terraces are said to be in Penebel village in Tabaman, a UNESCO cultural landscape.  The Jatiluwih rice paddies are notable for using traditional Balinese irrigation techniques.  
Jatiluwih rice terraces in Bali
Jatiluwih rice terraces in Bali

If you’re lucky, you’ll witness farmers separating the rice from the stalks.  Mount Batukaru looming in the distance makes the fields particular picturesque.

This is also the area to make a stop at a roadside stand and try some exotic fruits. 

rambutan fruit in Bali
rambutan fruit on stems in Bali

mangosteen fruit in Bali
mangosteen fruit in Bali

images ©2016 Carole Terwilliger Meyers 


  1. I love mangosteen, they were not in season when I was there for a long stay. I also didn't get to see this Unesco site since it was being reworked for its irrigation system.

  2. Amazing work terracing those rice paddys, and wow, two fruits I have never seen before!

  3. I tasted Rambutan in Mexico and love the fruit!

  4. I've never tried any of the exotic fruits before. They must be tasty!
