
June 5, 2015

Beijing, China: Peking Duck; restaurant review

Peking Duck 

is a Beijing area specialty once served only to the royal court. 

Peking Duck preparation in Beijing, China.
Peking Duck preparation in Beijing, China.

Here the duck is hung above an open fire to cook, unlike the more common Cantonese crispy-skin duck which is baked or roasted in an oven.  The skin is crispy with little fat and the meat is lean and tender.

exterior of Quanjude RoastDuck Restaurant in Beijing, China.
exterior of Quanjude RoastDuck Restaurant in Beijing, China

Quanjude RoastDuck Restaurant  

No. 18 Putang Rd., Fangzhuang, 010-67602008.  My tour group ate here.  We were able to watch the chef carve our duck.

It was served with plum sauce and scallions and the traditional pancakes.  It was the star, but only part of the extensive feast we enjoyed. 

feast at Quanjude RoastDuck Restaurant in Beijing, China.
feast at Quanjude RoastDuck Restaurant in Beijing, China.

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images ©2015 Carole Terwilliger Meyers 


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