
April 10, 2015

Israel: Dead Sea; things to do

Dead Sea

Situated between the West Bank and Israel to the west and Jordan to the east, the Dead Sea sits more than 1,300 feet below sea level.  Its shores are the lowest point on Earth.  The only life in the water of the world’s deepest salt lake—1,083 feet--is bacteria.  The Dead Sea is also the world's second-saltiest body of water, after Lake Asal in Djibouti.  Its 31.5 percent salinity makes it 8.6 times saltier than the ocean and 9 times saltier than the Mediterranean Sea.  It is long and wide, and its main tributary is the Jordan River.  This sea was one of the world's first health resorts (for Herod the Great), and it was a place of refuge for King David.  And it is hot--one of the hottest places in Israel.  Fortunately, many health spas in the sea offer respite with indoor pools filled with water from the sea.

There is a technique to floating in the Dead Sea’s buoyant waters.  Enter backwards, walking in a squat as though you are sitting.  When you are in deep enough water, relax and then, without effort, you will float.  Be sure someone is around to hand you a newspaper or book to “read” and to take your picture.  And do take time to apply some of the famous revitalizing mud to your face and body. 
people floating and reading in the Dead Sea
people floating and reading in the Dead Sea


  1. One day I will get to do this! Until then I will live vicariously through you! I loved the instructions!

  2. Hi Carole,
    Bacteria are hardy little guys, aren't they?! They'll still be here long after we're gone.
    Thanks for sharing your info, pics, and instructions!

  3. There are lot of thing to do in Israel, but visiting dead sea is most amazing experience of my life. Israel hotel has great service for their visitors.
