
June 2, 2014

All about visiting Machu Picchu, Peru

All about visiting MACHU PICCHU in Peru

Machu Picchu, Peru
Machu Picchu, Peru

There are times for roughing it and times for not.  Peru, with its Third World plumbing, is one of those places where a comfortable hotel room is greatly prized.  I’ve heard about freezing temperatures at some of the less expensive hotels in densely populated Cuzco and more primitive Aguas Calinentes.  Bear in mind that in Cuzo (at 11,000-foot altitude), Machu Picchu (at 8,000-foot altitude), and in Aguas Calientes (at 6,000-foot altitude), nights are usually cold and altitude sickness also enters the mix.  Read more . . .

image courtesy of venue


  1. I wanted more, great post! Machu Picchu is a bucket list item for me. What is the time of year to visit?

  2. We would like to see Machu Picchu and I have an online friend who owns a B&B in Cusco and we'd love to meet one day. But I don't think it's in the cards for us because of the high altitude sickness. My hubby and the altitude are not on good terms. ;)

    1. I took pills prescribed by my dr. and did very well with the altitude. Just FYI.

  3. Looks like you picked some great places to stay and eat. Did the monastery have some interesting carved wood doors, etc? I just love the very soft alpaca wool rugs.

    1. The monastery is beautiful. Carved wood doors and more.

  4. Great post! Thank you for the information! I hope someday I get there because it's a special place.

  5. I'd love to follow your Machu Picchu itinerary one day~

  6. I'm planning a trip to Cuzco and Machu Picchu in November so this info was very welcome. What a spectacular experience and one that I'm sure is a highlight of your travels!

  7. Really enjoyed your article on Peru in the Berkeley paper, Carol. I've been to Peru twice, but still haven't made it to Machu Picchu. Hopefully ... one day!

  8. All fine info - given that I've now moved from Asia here to Ecuador and thus have the entire South American CONTINENT at my fingertips. ;) Those legendary Galapagos first, no doubt followed shortly by the iconic Machu Picchu.

  9. Thank you for doing your homework and the informative post, Carole!
