
June 23, 2014

North Wildwood, New Jersey: annual events--Roar to the Shore + Mummers Parade; things to do

Annual Events in North Wildwood, New Jersey

Roar to the Shore  

September.  This is the largest motorcycle meet-up on the East Coast.

Mummers Parade  

September.  It costs you zero to join the crowd lining the street here to view the famous Mummer string bands march and dance.  A string band is heavy on the banjos and has no guitars or amplification.  (Did you know that the banjo is the only instrument native to America?)  The bands are composed of mostly husky guys in glittering costumes.  One local described them thusly:  “They march into town looking like they could flatten a village.”  Enthusiastic viewers are invited to dance along with them down the street.  Note that the original Mummers Parade occurs on New Year’s Day in Philadelphia.


  1. Great idea to post a little video. It's good to be able to actually see the parades.

  2. This parade reminds me a little of our town's annual Halloween parade which is more of a mass of costumed people dancing down Main Street to the musical beat of a group of drummers. Basically, organized chaos but so much fun.

  3. Parades are so much fun! They are free and it's a good chance to talk to people. This parade looks like a blast!

  4. What an unusual idea for a parade! But how cool to see husky guys marching into town with banjos. Sounds like there's always something new to do in New Jersey!

  5. This is all new to me! Thank you for sharing! the video makes it easy!

  6. Call me chicken but whenever I encounter a group of bikers, I get nervous:-)

    1. I once encountered a group in the redwoods in California and kind of just had to start chatting with them and it turned out they were a mix of everything, including doctors and lawyers! Even the Hell's Angels can be nice sometimes. Surprising but true!

  7. What fun and your video was a terrific way to share the event! Love the costumes!

  8. I'm a native Philadelphia, so I was brought up on the Mummers' Parade every New Year's day --- occasionally freezing on Broad Street, more usually watching on TV. If you go, bring your camera. It's a very photogenic event.
