
April 7, 2014

Solvang, California: Old Mission Santa Ines; things to do

Santa Ines

(#19)  1760 Mission Dr., in Solvang. 

bell tower at mission Santa Ines in Solvang, CA
bell tower at mission Santa Ines in Solvang, CA

Founded in 1804 and located in a rustic setting about 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, mission Santa Ines is referred to as the "hidden gem."  Fully restored, it has hand-painted murals and lovely gardens where you can rest for a while and enjoy the sounds of chirping birds.  It has a bell tower and a museum with a notable collection of vestments, church records, and missals.  You can activate a recording that explains the artifacts you are viewing in each exhibit room.  My favorite room is the Madonna Chapel, where depictions of the Black Madonna and the Virgin of Guadalupe are among the artworks.  The mission has always been an active Catholic Church and holds public Mass in the tiny church.

image ©2014 Carole Terwilliger Meyers


  1. I love visiting missions in California. Will put this one on my list!

  2. The Mission looks lovely and sounds peaceful. I will remember this for when I visit the area.

  3. I've read quite a few posts on the missions and would love to visit one or two sometime. They seem to be places where you can "get away from it all".

  4. Looks and sounds beautiful. I love visiting missions.

  5. I remember when my kids were learning about the missions in school. This one looks beautiful.

  6. This sounds like such a beautiful destination; peaceful and serene.

  7. So many missions, so little time! Thanks for sharing as I haven't visited this mission yet.

  8. We've visited some of the California missions. It's impressive that so many of them have survived and been preserved.
