
December 4, 2013

Dingle town, Dingle Peninsula, Ireland; restaurant reviews

Ashes Bar & Restaurant  

Main Street, +353 (0)66 9150989.  L-D daily.  We enjoyed a fine three-course Early Bird fresh fish dinner in this cozy little spot.  Some guest rooms are available upstairs.

exterior of Ashes Bar & Restaurant in Dingle town, Ireland
exterior of Ashes Bar & Restaurant in Dingle town, Ireland

Murphys Ice Cream  

This award-winning ice cream is served up in a bright little shop that provides the perfect spirit lift on a rainy day.  The best local ingredients are used--including the wonderful rich milk from the rare, indigenous Kerry cow—and they make their own chocolate chips.  Flavors include Dingle sea salt and Guinness, both of which I tasted, but I ultimately decided on my favorite--butterscotch. 

Murphys Ice Cream in Dingle town, Ireland
Murphys Ice Cream in Dingle town, Ireland

O’Sullivan’s Courthouse Pub  

The Mall, +353 (0)66 9152853.  Painted brilliant blue with red trim and touted as the newest old pub in Dingle, this cozy spot presents traditional Irish music nightly.  It promises no television, no juke box, and no pool table--just great music.  A turf fire warms things up, and a backbeer garden cools things down.  It even has free Wi-Fi (but you won’t want it).  We met a couple of Australian women here and had a good chin wag with them as they downed their Dingle gin and tonics and we sipped on Guinness.  No food is served. 

O'Sullivan's Courthouse Pub in Dingle town, Ireland
O'Sullivan's Courthouse Pub in Dingle town, Ireland

More things to do on the Dingle Peninsula.

More information about Ireland.

More ideas for exploring Europe.

images c2013 Carole Terwilliger Meyers 
updated August 29, 2015 

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