
June 26, 2013

Sunny Valley, Oregon: Grave Creek Covered Bridge; things to do

Grave Creek Covered Bridge in Sunny Valley, Oregon

Sunny Valley, Oregon

It is claimed that the sun always shines in this beautiful valley. 

Grave Creek Covered Bridge  

14 mi. N of Grants Pass, (at exit 71).

This is one of the few covered bridges in Southern Oregon and is the only one that can be viewed from Highway 5 anywhere along the route.  Though Grave Creek Covered Bridge is closed to cars, you can walk across.  It was here, with puffy white cottonwood floating lazily in the air around me, that I chatted with several fellow Californians who shared a road-war story regarding some Oregonians they crossed paths with who disliked Californians.  Unfortunately, pockets of this prejudice still exist, but fortunately, they are becoming more rare.

More things to do along Oregon's Highway 5.

image c2013 Carole Terwilliger Meyers

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