
May 20, 2013

Munich, Germany: Augustiner Restaurant; restaurant review

Augustiner Restaurant  

Neuhauser Strasse 27, 089/23 70 36 66. 

interior of Augustiner Restaurant in Munich, Germany
interior of Augustiner Restaurant in Munich, Germany

The old-style art nouveau Augustiner Restaurant is the former home of the Augustinian monks.  It has a low-key beer hall with dark, almost-black paneling and coat hooks along the top, a separate white-tablecloth restaurant, and a small outdoor beer garden.  Regional cooking is the specialty, and the famous Edelstoff is on tap.  Sauerbraten is served with a billiard-ball size pretzel dumpling and fried red cabbage. 

More things to do in Munich.

image c2013 Carole Terwilliger Meyers

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