
December 8, 2011

Jackson Hole, Wyoming: National Elk Refuge; things to do

National Elk Refuge 

800-772-5386, 307-733- 0277.  Sleigh rides mid-Dec through first weekend in April; adults $18, 5-12 $12.

draft horse-drawn sleigh tour at National Elk Refuge in Jackson Hole, Wyoming
draft horse-drawn sleigh tour at National Elk Refuge in Jackson Hole, Wyoming

Take a draft horse-drawn sleigh tour of North America’s largest established elk preserve. Featuring the spectacular Grand Teton Mountain Range on one side and the Gros Venture Mountain range on the other, the National Elk Refuge is not a zoo.  Some of the thousands of elk migrate here from as far as 100 miles away. Sleighs are a cheery photogenic red with black trim and have padded seats. From them you’ll see wildlife up close and in motion. I heard the 4-year-old daughter of a park ranger exclaim with glee, “Wow, look at all that poop!” After, you can pet the horses and take pictures with them.

National Museum of Wildlife  

Warm up across the street within the impressive stone walls of the National Museum of Wildlife, where galleries let you get even closer to a wide array of wild animals.

More animal attractions.

More ideas for exploring the U.S.

image c2011 Carole Terwilliger Meyers

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