
November 16, 2011

Berlin, Germany: MUSEUM ISLAND/Museumsinsel; things to do

MUSEUM ISLAND/Museumsinsel 

A UNESCO World Heritage site since 1999, the MUSEUM ISLAND/Museumsinsel museum enclave is bordered by the River Spree and Kupfergraben. It consists of five state museums with world-class collections ranging from classical antiquities to 20th-century paintings and sculpture.

Bode-Museum Monbijoubrucke  

030-266 3666. 

Long closed for restoration, the grand Bode-Museum Monbijoubrucke is now open with enlarged exhibits, better lighting, and more viewer-friendly exhibitions. The interior itself is as interesting as the collections, with two spectacular dome rooms, marble floors, high ceilings, colorful walls, and large windows providing lovely views to outside. Sub-collections include the Museum of Byzantine Art (displays of early Christian sarcophagi, Coptic and Byzantine sculpture, icons, and even gravestones dating from the 3rd through the 18th century), the Sculpture Collection (exhibits magnificent pieces from ancient churches and monasteries, including a 1490 sandstone pulpit support by Anton Pilgram carved in the shape of a medieval craftsman. The Numismatic Collection/Coin Collection is exceptional.

exterior of Bode-Museum Monbijoubrucke in Berlin, Germany
exterior of Bode-Museum Monbijoubrucke in Berlin, Germany

image c2011 Carole Terwilliger Meyers 

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