
April 26, 2011

Nadi, Viti Levu, Fiji: Tata’s Curry Restaurant; restaurant review

Tata’s Curry Restaurant  

On Nadi Back Rd., betw. Siva Temple and Hotel San Bruno, 670-0502. M-Sat 8-8.

order window at Tata’s Curry Restaurant in Fiji
order window at Tata’s Curry Restaurant in Fiji

Begun with just two tables, this colorful food shack now has many more and serves up authentic Fijian-style Indian food, mostly with bone-in. According to owner Dinesh Pillay, whose nickname is Tata (which means “grandfather”), it is Southern Indian home-style “in the taste and style of paradise.” A favorite item is the seasonal pickle made from local stone fruit; don’t miss it when wi is ripe. Wife Renuka Pillay is the cook. A pleasant sheltered patio provides some relief from the heat.

More things to do on Viti Levu in Fiji.

image c2011 Carole Terwilliger Meyers 

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