
November 17, 2010

Munich, Germany: Deutsches Museum; things to do

Deutsches Museum/German Museum 

Museumsinsel 1. Daily 9-5. €8.50, 6-15 €3.

exterior of Deutsches Museum/German Museum in Munich, Germany
exterior of Deutsches Museum/German Museum in Munich, Germany

Occupying an island in the Isar River, the Deutsches Museum/German Museum opened in 1925 and remains one of the world’s most important showcases of science and technology. Munich’s largest museum and the world's largest museum of technology and science, it features a diverse collection of both hands-on and historical exhibits. Of special interest are the full-size ships, power machinery, and collection of giant printing presses. A model railway is currently closed. A roof-top sundial garden provides great views, and a popular electricity demonstration occurs at 11am and includes ear-splitting sounds.

More things to do in Munich.

image c2010 Carole Terwilliger Meyers


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  3. I've been to this museum, but haven't taken my kids yet! Great place to go back to!
