
March 4, 2010

El Fuerte, Mexico: Capomos Town; things to do

butterfly cocoons draped on leg bands to make a rattle snake sound, in Capomos Town, Mexico

Capomos Town 

10 km. from El Fuerte. $30/350 pesos.

Named for the spring-blooming capomo flower, the Indian ceremony village of Capomos Town was established 300 years ago. Visitors view the Mayos Indians performing the traditional dance of the deer up close in a compound is surrounded by mature cacti—organ, pipe, and others--and learn about the customs, wardrobe, and instruments that they use (butterfly cocoons are draped on leg bands to make a rattle snake sound). You’ll see residents preparing handmade tortillas that you can sample, and making clay bowls that are handed down through generations. Fat turkeys and scrawny chickens and kittens roam, and colorful butterflies flit among brilliant red bougainvillea. Though these Indians once actually tore off the faces of their conquered victims, now they demonstrate a “mask of death” simulation. Many people come here for the healers and their herbs, such as papachi—a chocolate-prune tasting fruit that regulates blood sugar.

More places around the Copper Canyon.

More ideas for exploring Canada and Mexico.

image c2009 Carole Terwilliger Meyers

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