
January 23, 2010

Pacific Palisades, California: Getty Villa; things to do

Inner Peristyle garden at Getty Villa museum in Pacific Palisades, California
Inner Peristyle garden at Getty Villa museum
in Pacific Palisades, California

Getty Villa  

17985 PCH/Surfview Dr., 1 mi. N of Sunset Blvd., in Pacific Palisades, (310) 440-7300. W-M 11-5. Free; reservations necessary.  Parking $25; no neighborhood parking. No pets.

Located a few miles west of the larger Getty Center museum, the hilltop Getty Villa museum is modeled after the Villa dei Papiri--a 1st-century luxury Roman country house in Herculaneum, near Pompeii, that was buried by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD79.  It houses the Getty collection of ancient Greek, Roman, and Etruscan art.  A large variety of polished marble adorns floors and walls throughout.  My favorite display holds a mummified ibis that is inside an intact human mummy whose head covering bears a painted portrait of the deceased.  

Gardens and fountains are a particular delight, and performances are sometimes scheduled in a semi-circular amphitheater.  Kids gain insight in a hands-on Family Forum space and with a free Art Detective card that guides them to specific art pieces.  Informal tours run throughout the day, and a free app guide can be downloaded.  

The Cafe serves casual Mediterranean fare at fair prices and offers spacious indoor and sheltered outdoor seating.  An espresso cart is also an option, and afternoon tea is sometimes scheduled.

Roman Sarcophagus with life of Achilles at Getty Villa museum in Pacific Palisades, California
Roman Sarcophagus with life of Achilles at Getty Villa museum
in Pacific Palisades, California

Greek ram's head drinking cup at Getty Villa museum in Pacific Palisades, California
Greek ram's head drinking cup at Getty Villa museum
in Pacific Palisades, California

Ptolemaic gold snake bracelet at Getty Villa museum in Pacific Palisades, California
Ptolemaic gold snake bracelet at Getty Villa museum
in Pacific Palisades, California

Outer Peristyle garden at Getty Villa museum in Pacific Palisades, California
Outer Peristyle garden at Getty Villa museum
in Pacific Palisades, California

East Garden at Getty Villa museum in Pacific Palisades, California
East Garden at Getty Villa museum
in Pacific Palisades, California

display of marble samples at Getty Villa museum in Pacific Palisades, California
display of marble samples at Getty Villa museum
in Pacific Palisades, California

More gardens around the world.

More places to visit in Pacific Palisades.

More ideas for exploring the U.S.

first image c2010 Cassidy Meyers
rest of images c 2024 Carole Terwilliger Meyers
updated 9-6-24


  1. Wow what a great photo! ;)

  2. Yes, gonicki, it was taken by an up-and-coming young photographer with a good eye.
