
December 14, 2009

ARTWALK in Mazatlan, Mexico--part 1; things to do

artist with cat paintings in Mazatlan, Mexico


First Friday, 4-8pm, Nov-May. Free.

On this self-guided tour of Mazatlan, participants not only get to walk the quiet back streets of the old town, but they gain access to some of the beautiful historical buildings and even to a few homes. I met an artist who paints cats and also saves them from the streets, keeping the kitties in a sort of mini-kennel in her studio/home. Among my favorite stops: the colorfully renovated old structure that houses the Casa de Leyendas Bed & Breakfast; a small complex of shops with an inviting cafe in its courtyard. Artwalk is relatively new, now only in its third year, with 24 sites and more than 41 participating artists.

ARTWALK in Mazatlan, Mexico--part 2

More places to see cats when you travel.

image c2009 Carole Terwilliger Meyers

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